Xiaodong Cun
Xiaodong Cun 寸晓东

I am a Ph.D. student at University of Macau, under the supervision of Dr. Chi-Man Pun. Before that, I received my B.Sc and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science from Xidian University and University of Macau in 2015 and 2018 respectively. Currently, I am focusing on the application of Deep Learning based methods for Computer Vision and Computational Photograpy.

👾 News

  • 🎉   One paper is accepted by AAAI-21.
  • 🎉   One paper is accepted by ECCV 2020.
  • 🎉   I will join Huawei Noah's Ark Lab as a research intern.
  • 🎉   One paper is accepted by TIP!
  • 🎉   One paper is accepted by AAAI-20!

👾 Activities

  • 🚀   Intern FrondEnd Engineer, Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China
  • 🚀   Intern Algorithm Engineer, HIKVision Research Institute, HangZhou, China
  • 🚀   Asian University Machine Learning Camp, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea
  • 🚀   Research Intern, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Shenzhen, China

👾 Highlight Publications

  • Split then Refine:
    Sequential Attention-guided ResUNets for Blind Single Image Visible Watermark Removal

    Xiaodong Cun, Chi-Man Pun

    AAAI 2021
  • Defocus Blur Detection via Depth Distillation
    Xiaodong Cun, Chi-Man Pun

    ECCV 2020
  • Improving the Harmony of the Composite Image by Spatial-Separated Attention Module
    Xiaodong Cun, Chi-Man Pun

    IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP 2020)
  • Towards Ghost-free Shadow Removal
    via Dual Hierarchical Aggregation Network and Shadow Matting GAN

    Xiaodong Cun, Chi-Man Pun, Cheng Shi

    AAAI 2020
  • Depth Assisted Full Resolution Network for Single Image based View Synthesis
    Xiaodong Cun, Feng Xu, Chi-Man Pun, Hao Gao

    IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (also appear in SIGGRAPH 2018 Poster)

👾 Friends

  • 👨‍🎓 If you are looking for Machine Tranlation papers, please checkout my friend Xuebo Liu.

👾 Achievements

Welcome to the World!
🇨🇳 Achieved at 1992/3/29
10 Years Old!
🇨🇳 Achieved at 2002/3/29
20 Years Old!
🇨🇳 Achieved at 2012/3/29
Conference Presentation!
🇩🇪 Achieved at 2018/9/6
30 Years Old!
Still trying!
🇰🇷 Achieved at 2018/7/20
Hong Kong!
🇭🇰 Achieved at 2016/4/1
🇲🇴 Achieved at 2015/08/05
🇩🇪 Achieved at 2018/9/6
Taiwan Province!
🇨🇳 Achieved at 2018/6/21
🇵🇭 Achieved at 2017/12/21
Achieved at 2019/04/13,
Lose Weight! (10kg)
🏃Achieved at 2019/Spring
🇹🇭 Achieved at 2019/10/11
🇺🇸 Achieved at 2019/11/11
Teeth Braces!
🦷 Achieved at 2019/12/2
free counter Visitors!
Still trying!